Motor Assembly


For maximum power and bearing longevity, we recommend balancing every engine on our Sunnen DCB2000 digital balancer. We can also balance your flywheel, flexplate, and balancers or match them to an existing one. If you’re really picky we can even balance any kind of crankshaft. When we’re done we print off the results for your records, and we also keep it on file for future reference. There are a few reasons we recommend balancing every engine. One is that factory balancing tolerances are really low. Also if you change any part of your rotating assembly (crankshaft, pistons, rods, bearings, rings, harmonic balancer, flexplatore flywheel) your balance will also change. Crankshafts that are out of balance essentially make an engine work against itself reducing power and economy not to mention damaging bearings, your drive train or literally shaking your car apart.

Pressure Testing

Based on our experience, we recommend checking all cylinder heads and blocks for cracks. Nothing is worse than spending good money on something that turns out to be junk. Cast iron can be magnafluxed for cracks. Magnafluxing is magnetizing the area being checked. If there is a crack the two sides of the crack will both be of the same pole. A powder is applied that will build up along where the poles are repelling each other. Of course, you can’t magnetize aluminum so you have to pressure test it. Pressure testing is nothing more than blocking off all the coolant passages and putting 40lbs of pressure into the head or block. Sometimes cracks are really obvious, but sometimes heads can also be cracked inside posts or around guides. That’s the reason that once the item is pressurized it is submerged in water making the leak visible.. Pressure testing and magnafuxing are the best and cheapest insurance for your motor performance available.

Motor Assembly was last modified: May 31st, 2019 by wsadmin